By the grace of God, Marianne is a cardiac nurse with a gazillion years of experience. She did what I needed and spoke to me about possible scenarios and outcomes. We reviewed all the pamphlets, specifically the one showing the main arteries of the heart. She pointed to one specific area saying, we do not want the blockage to be in this area. She had come to keep me in the safety of disconnect.
Somewhere during all of this, I had decided to send out SOS text messages. I tend to be extremely private, and my husband even more, so this was a very unusual move on my part. But the screaming voice in my head knew that we were in battle and that all the troops needed to be summoned. Some call them prayer warriors, and others call them lightworkers; at that moment, I needed to know that we were surrounded by an army of angels and the power of God. So I started blasting away. Please pray, please send love, please encompass him in the healing frequencies, please please please, PLEASE!
Just two days prior, I had been immersed in the role of support for The Reconnection at the Psychotronics International Conference. I had been staffing a vendor's table and supporting Dr. Eric Pearl and Jillian Fleer as they presented and facilitated a workshop. Now, as I was frantically scrolling through texts, I saw the last text we had exchanged at the end of the weekend.
In a knee jerk response, I texted them, asking for prayers. I didn't know if they were still in the Chicagoland area or if they had returned home, but I received a rapid response from both. Eric replied that he would facilitate a Reconnective Healing at that moment. Immediately all of my senses became alive with the familiar resonance of the Reconnective Healing Frequencies, and I felt the warm comfort of oneness envelope me.
The other responses poured in, prayer warriors, lightworkers, and Reconnective Healing Practitioners from around the world were surrounding us in a blanket of love. My Knowing sensed that the power of the multi-verse had been beckoned forward, surrounding us in the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. I no longer felt the need to be disconnected, and I became acutely present in the now.
Marianne had wandered off to find coffee and something for us to eat. As I sat there alone, the cardiologist returned to the family waiting room. The first words out of his mouth were, 58 minutes; we were able to intervene in 58 minutes. He continued with what he had discovered in my husband's heart and what interventions he had made.
Using the diagram in the pamphlet, he pointed to the area that Marianne had said "we don't want the blockage to be in this area" and said that my husband had a total occlusion of that area. They had placed two stents to open the blood flow to that area. He then pointed to another area stating that area was 70% occluded and that my husband would have to return to place stents there, but for now, he was resting.
The cardiologist continued saying something about scaring and damage to the heart and that the next 24 hours were critical. At that moment, I wasn't absorbing much of what he said. I felt the sensation of extreme relief that my husband was alive and that something had been done to help him. The rest was something we would worry about tomorrow. The stopwatch had ceased its spectral counting of the minutes; we had won the 58-minute race.
I continue to wonder when the stopwatch started its deathly 58-minute tick tock. Was it the moment I called 911, was it when the EMT called ahead to the ER staff, or was it the moment my husband went through the ER doors? Someday I will ask that question, but for now, I am deeply aware that we were in a race against time, and with the grace of God, we won.
The seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months since that morning have been full of ups and downs. The relief of surviving the episode melted into the reality that much was lost. The 58-minute battle had now turned into a fight to return to some level of normalcy. Everything had changed and had to change. The daily routines, the food he ate, and how it was prepared, the barrage of medicines and medical appointments, and the constant monitoring of everything had infiltrated our lives.
The physical aspects of recovery were daunting, but far worse was the emotional and mental aspects. We soon discovered that we were both suffering from PTSD and from the guilt of should of, would of, could of. The words and attitude that my husband has used to push through were Acceptance, Compliance, and Gratitude. 100% compliance with the medical, dietary, and activity guidelines was crucial. Acceptance of a new way of life and a new way of defining self was pivotal, and immense gratitude for every single person who took part in the prayers, life-saving efforts, and continuation of care was imperative.
Several Days after the cardiac incident, my husband experienced an internal shift that would have shown a 10 on the Richter scale. He distinctly remembers the sense of letting go and detaching. He experienced the purest form of surrender and the space for off the scale healing.
Today, one hundred, twenty-five days later, I ponder the idea of miracles. Did a miracle transpire somewhere along this timeline? If so, what was the impetus or singular moment? Is that how miracles work, a zap, POW switch of outcomes or are miracles a gentle shift in perspective and realities? One day your truth is I have a damaged heart, and the next moment, you are being shown results that say you have a normal, healthy heart, with a few additional human-made apparatuses.
Can this be true, can a heart heal the scars of a "Widowmaker Heart Attack?" Can you have a significantly reduced Ejection Fraction rate return to a normal rate? What repaired the damage and scarring to the heart? When was it healed? Was it the prayers and the Reconnective Healing Frequencies? Was it his focus on self-care, weight reduction, or was it mindfulness and living in the moment? These are answers we will never receive, but the seemingly miraculous outcome humbles us.
What I have come to KNOW is that a miracle is a minuscule change in one or more of life's variables. It can be a slight change in the fuel combustion, the propulsion, or the degree of angle (angel). It can be as meek or as profound as a morning breeze. A miracle is a change in a life's trajectory. The key here is to observe the subtle shifts and to allow the course corrective maneuvering to get you to your original "Go/No Go" alignment with your Creator or your return to balance.
To recognize miracles, we must first drop the "Newtonian Illusion" of cause and effect; I did this or that so I will receive this or that. A miracle is the knowing or remembrance that you are the miracle. You are an integral part of the miraculous never-ending, never beginning Creator or what I call the OMINIVERSE.
Walk like a miracle, talk like a miracle, share like a miracle. Be the miracle in other's lives. Then watch in awe and wonder what you will begin to notice. A million gazillion miracles are happening all around you, and you are one of them! --- And that my friend is as serious as a heart attack ---
Important Medical Take-Aways
My husband had hidden symptoms of heart disease for several months prior to his cardiac incident.
He did not have high Cholesterol Levels or Diabetes. He did not smoke and he walked over 4 miles every day. His EKG showed no abnormalities.
His Blood Pressure has been borderline for over 10 years.
His body was sending messages of extreme fatigue and dis-ease.
He has a paternal family history of cardiac disease.
Anxiety, Angst and extreme Stress surrounding his work life had him out of balance and in a fight or flight state for several months prior.
His pre-cardiac incident symptoms were at times mild to moderate, nothing was screaming or intense until the night before.
His wife (me) felt an uneasiness surrounding his health and for months had been asking him to see a physician.
He had an overall uneasiness like a "gloom and doom" feeling for 6 months prior to the incident.
I am one who understands that our sense of time may be an illusion, and I often wonder if time as we know it exists. But on that particular morning, we became acutely aware of the preciousness of every second as if a contract had been executed with the notation time was of the essence. Early detection and intervention are LIFE-SAVING factors when faced with the possible symptoms of a heart attack. What is your internal/external 911 protocol?
Virginia Adams' career in Western Medical Practice Administration spans 2 and a half decades. For years she described herself as a logical and methodical administrator. Through a long winding path of remarkable synchronicities, she was lead down a very different path. Today Virginia is an author, public speaker and consultant in the energy healthcare arena.
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